
08 Jul 2024
PDR Platform – Amendments to the Data Reporting Contract for the services offered on the Platform

As known, on April 11th 2024, the European Parliament and the Council adopted Regulation (EU) 2024/1106 “amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 as regards improving the Union’s protection against market manipulation on the wholesale energy market” (so-called REMIT Regulation).

The new REMIT Regulation introduced several new provisions in terms of data reporting to ACER, in compliance with its article 8, 1a. (a).

Given the new regulatory framework, GME will revise the services previously offered as a Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) through the PDR Platform.

In particular, in coordination with other initiatives described in the communication regarding the launch of the new OMPR Platform, GME will unilaterally change its current Data Reporting Service Contract with PDR participants. The change will have the purpose of:

  1. limiting the scope of the Contract to the External Data Upload Service, through which PDR participants may continue to fulfil their REMIT obligations for the data and transactions concluded outside of GME’s regulated markets;
  2. in accordance with article 8, 1a. (a) of REMIT, eliminating from the Contract the Data Reporting and Download services, i.e. the transmission to ACER of orders and transactions made by market participants in GME’s regulated markets, and the download of such orders and transactions by such participants. Indeed, GME will carry out these activities through its new OMPR Platform. The elimination of these services will consequently reduce the extent of the fees currently applied on the PDR Platform.

The above-mentioned changes to the PDR Contract will take effect on October 1st 2024. From this date, the Data Reporting and Download services will be managed within the new OMPR Platform. However, until 30th September 2024, these services will be regularly provided on the PDR Platform.

GME also points out that all Data Reporting Service Contracts covering only the Data Reporting and/or Download services and not also the External Data Upload service, will be automatically terminated as of October 1st 2024.

For further information, write to

Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A.
Sole Shareholder: Gestore dei Servizi Energetici - GSE S.p.A., as per art. 5, Legislative Decree 79/99
Company subject to the management and coordination of Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A.
Share Capital: € 7,500,000.00 fully paid up
Registered Office - Viale Maresciallo Pilsudski, 122/124, 00197 Rome +39-06-80121, fax no. +39-06-80124524, email:
Rome Companies' Register, VAT and Taxpayer's Code: 06208031002 Rome Economic and Administrative Index: 953866