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GME organises and manages the Platform for the Allocation of Regasification Capacity (PAR), where procedures are carried out for allocation of regasification capacity at the terminals managed by regasification companies that have requested to use the services provided by GME through the PAR.

In order to submit purchase offers for slots of regasification capacity on the PAR, participants must be users authorised for the regasification terminal in respect of which they wish to submit allocation offers/requests.

The PAR is divided into segments dedicated to each of the regasification terminals for which the corresponding regasification companies have requested to use the services offered by GME through the PAR.


On each sub-segment, upon request of the corresponding Regasification Company, it is possible to activate order books relating to the trading of products concerning the allocation of:

  • annual and multi-annual capacity (primary and issued).
    Trading on the books relating to products for the allocation of annual and multi-annual capacity are made under the method of the open ascending auction referred to in Article 17 of EU Regulation no. 459/2017.

  • capacity during the thermal year (primary and issued).
    Trading on the books relating to products for the allocation of capacity during the thermal year are carried out under the pay as bid auction principle.

  • Residual capacity in thermal year (primary and issued).
    Trading in the section of the book relating to products for the allocation of the residual capacity in thermal year are carried out according to the pay as bid auction method.

  • regasification capacity no longer available in auction.
    Trading on the books relating to products for the allocation of regasification capacity no longer available in auction are carried out under the first come first served principle.

Order books and the related technical specifications of the products listed from time to time on the PAR sub-segments can be viewed on the platform's computer system.

In each segment of the PAR, the sessions are held, upon request of each Regasification Company, according to the timetable and hours indicated by the same company. GME publishes the timetable and timing of the PAR sessions on the platform's computer system.

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