ELECTRICITY MARKET - 15-minute MTU in the MGP: start of blank tests
Further to its communication of 14 February 2025, GME is hereby providing the timetable of blank tests, which will involve GME, TERNA and market participants, in view of the go-live of products with a 15-minute Market Time Unit (MTU) in the Day-Ahead Market/Single Day-Ahead Coupling on the trading day of 11 June 2025 (delivery on 12 June). The test sessions will enable participants to test products with a market time interval of 15 and 30 minutes, in addition to the already available products with a market time interval of 60 minutes.
Planning of testing activities - general information
Testing activities will take place in the period from 31 March to 5 June. The digital platforms of GME, involved in the tests, will be: PCE, IPEX, and LTS. The detailed programme of activities will be communicated through an appropriate notice on the above-mentioned platforms. For any queries concerning the test sessions, feel free to contact GME at prove@mercatoelettrico.org
How to access the test platforms
For participation in the tests, the digital test platforms of GME will be available from 27 March 2025 at the following addresses:
https://proveipex.ipex.it/euwa (IPEX portal)
https://proveipex.ipex.it/euws/service.asmx (MGP/MI web service)
https://proveipex.ipex.it/euwsmsd/service.asmx (MSD/MB web service)
https://provepce.ipex.it/ceuserinterface (PCE portal)
https://provepce.ipex.it/ceuserinterfacews/service.asmx (PCE WS)
https://provelts-pn.ipex.it/ltsweb (LTS portal)
https://provelts-pn.ipex.it/ltsws/service.asmx (LTS web service)
https://provelts-pn.ipex.it/ltswebapi/swagger/index.html (LTS API)
On the above-mentioned platforms, information about users and identification data of market participants will be aligned with that already present on the live platforms of GME as of 23 March 2025.Users that have not yet been enabled for the test platforms may register with the same platforms from 27 March 2025, by sending an appropriate request to prove@mercatoelettrico.orgThe data entered during the tests will not be used for operational purposes.The supporting documents for the tests are available on the home page of the PCE and IPEX test platforms.
Now online: issue no. 190 of GME's Newsletter
Platform for allocation of regasification capacity (PAR): approval of amendments to the Regulation for the FSRU Italia/Ravenna segment and the GNL Italia segment
GME informs market participants that, with resolution 86/2025/R/gas of 11 March 2025, ARERA approved the urgent amendments to the Regulation of the Platform for the allocation of regasification capacity (PAR) that GME had made under article 3, paragraph 3.6 of the same Regulation. Such amendments were aimed at:
- introducing the FSRU Italia segment, where procedures are carried out for the allocation of the regasification capacity of the Ravenna terminal, operated by FSRU Italia S.r.l.;
- holding, within the GNL Italia segment,
- pairs of separate and parallel sessions, each for each size of the tradable slots, in compliance with ARERA Resolution 339/2022/R/GAS;
- auctions for the allocation of the redelivery flexibility service and of the temporary storage service pursuant to article 12 of TIRG.
As is known, the above amendments entered into force on 5 July 2024 and 31 January 2025 with their publication on GME’s website.
15-minute MTU in the MGP – WEBINAR – Updates to digital platforms and presentation of blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform
Following its communication of 14 February 2025, GME announces that, on 26 March at 10:30, it will hold a webinar focused on updates to its digital platforms and on procedures for conducting blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform, in preparation for the introduction of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP.
Registrations for the webinar – to be held via Microsoft Teams - will be accepted until 12:00 on 25 March 2025.
To access the webinar, participants are required to register by filling out the appropriate online form.Registered participants will receive the technical details for attending the webinar.The following is the detailed programme of the webinar.
Webinar with market participants
Wednesday 26 March 2025
10:30 – 11:00
Introduction – general aspects about the adoption of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP
S. Alaimo, F. Carboni, GME
11:00 - 12:00
Updates to GME’s digital platforms Blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform
A. Petti, M. Pession, GME
12:00 – 12:30
PDC-OIL: Notification of data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils – II QUARTER 2025
Following the notice date 19 January 2018, it is hereby announced that the "time window" relating to the collection of data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils referred to the second quarter of 2025, is scheduled between 1st and 22nd April 2025 from Monday to Friday, from 09:30 am to 5:30 pm.Specifically, in the aforementioned period, the persons subject to the notification obligation referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2.1, of the Ministerial Decree of 5 July 2017, no. 17433, are required to send to GME - through the Mineral-oil storage and transit capacity data reporting platform (PDC-oil) – the data on the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils referred to the period May-August 2025.Please note that, as provided for by the Ministry of Economic Development with Circular Letter no. 0014614 dated 05 June 2018, the notification of data relating to LPG depots for automotive purposes is excluded from the monthly data collection of the monthly storage and transit capacity of mineral oils.
The parties subject to the notification obligation which are not yet registered on the PDC-oil must access the platform and carry out the registration procedure described in the “PDC-oil participant’s guide”.For further information, please contact the following e-mail address logistica@mercatoelettrico.org or contact the telephone numbers 06 8012 4337/4500. Circular Letter no. 1612 of 19 January 2018Annex A Monthly Collection of Available Storage CapacityAnnex B Monthly Collection of Available Transit Capacity
PDC-OIL: notification of annual capacity data (2024)
Following the provisions of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITE) in the Circular no. 37679 of 27.02.2025, interested parties are hereby informed that, in the period between 1 March and 31 March 2025, by accessing the Mineral-oil storage and transit capacity data reporting platform (PDC-oil), parties subjected to the notification obligation referred to in Article 21, paragraph 21.2, of Legislative Decree 249/2012 (obliged parties), are required to send GME the data concerning the situation of the logistical capacity in their availability as of 31 December 2024.
For all the above communication purposes, the PDC-oil will be operational from Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 5:30pm during the period indicated.
To access the PDC-Oil, parties already registered may access the IT system by using their user ID and password and notify the aforementioned data by following the procedure described in the “PDC-OIL PARTICIPANT’S GUIDE”.
Obliged parties not yet registered in the PDC-Oil may access the PDC-oil and carry out the registration procedure described in the “PDC-OIL PARTICIPANT’S GUIDE”.
For further information, please contact the following e-mail address logistica@mercatoelettrico.org or the telephone numbers 06 8012 4337/4500.Visit the “Fuel Markets/PDC-oil” section.
Local flexibility services for the DSO ARETI: start of blank tests on the features of the MLT-Flex
GME informs Market Participants that it will organise blank tests in order to allow parties interested in offering local flexibility services to the DSO Areti S.p.A. to test the features of the Local Forward Flexibility Market (MLT-Flex). The tests will take place according to the following procedure and timetable.
Days and hours of the tests
Blank tests will be held on GME’s test platform (https://prove-romeflex.ipex.it) on 20th February in the following hours:
- sitting for submission of offers: from 09:00 to 12:00;
- determination of preliminary results and their notification to participants: by 12:30
- determination of final results and their notifications to participants: by 13:00.
The tests may be attended by all BSPs who/which have been admitted to the MLF by GME and who/which have also been enabled by Areti S.p.A. To access the test platform, these BSPs may use the credentials already received during the previous test session. New credentials and information about the test sessions may be requested by writing to proveme@mercatoelettrico.org.
Requests for participation in the tests by BSPs who/which have not yet been admitted to the MLF by GME, or who/which have not yet been enabled by Areti S.p.A., may be sent to proveme@mercatoelettrico.org.
Further details about the tests will be available on the test platform.
Transactions carried out during the blank tests will not be binding and will not give rise to any obligation.
For additional information, write to proveme@mercatoelettrico.org
Platform for the allocation of regasification capacity (PAR): amendments to the PAR Regulation and start of blank tests for the GNL Italia segment
GME announces that, as of today, with the publication on its website, the amendments to the Regulation of the platform for the allocation of regasification capacity (PAR) – and the updated versions of the relevant Technical Rules – will enter into force. The amendments, made in compliance with art. 3, para. 3.6 of the Regulation, introduced the following provisions for the GNL Italia segment:
- with regard to auctions for capacity during the thermal year: the option to activate two parallel auction sessions through which, for each “constrained” regasification capacity slot to be allocated with a duration of 4 days, two slots can be offered simultaneously with a duration of 2 days and associated with common calendar dates, in order to maximise revenues from capacity allocations, pursuant to ARERA Resolution 339/2022/R/GAS of 19 July 2022 (hereafter: parallel auctions);
- the management of auctions for the allocation of the redelivery flexibility service and of the temporary storage service referred to in art. 12 of the TIRG (hereafter: auctions for flexibility services).
All parties wishing to participate in the auctions – to be held in the above-mentioned segment of the PAR according to the timelines defined by GNL Italia S.p.A. and made known by GME – will have to acquire the status of PAR participant beforehand, in accordance with the PAR Regulation, by submitting the documents available on GME’s website at:https://www.mercatoelettrico.org/en-us/Home/MarketAccess/Gas/RegassificationAuctions/HowParticipate/Forms
With a view to enabling participants to test the features of the parallel auctions and of the flexibility service auctions, GME will organise appropriate blank test sessions. The test sessions will take place from 4 to 7 February 2025 on the test platform, available at https://provepar.ipex.it, according to the following timetable:
- for the simulation of the operation of parallel auctions, the sitting for submission of offers will be open from 09:00 to 12:00 on 4 February. Results will be published by 16:00 on the same day;
- for the simulation of the operation of auctions for the allocation of the redelivery flexibility service, the sitting for submission of offers will be open from 09:00 to 14:00 on 5 February. Results will be published by 14:30 on the same day;
- for the simulation of the operation of auctions for the allocation of the temporary storage service, the sitting for submission of offers will be open from 09:00 to 14:00 on 6 February. Results will be published by 14:30 on the same day;
- after the blank tests carried out on 4, 5, and 6 February, additional blank tests may be carried out, if needed, on 7 February. The object and timetable of these additional tests, if any, will be communicated to participants through appropriate notices published on the homepage of the test platform.
Any change to the above-mentioned test timetable will be communicated to participants through appropriate notices on the homepage of the test platform.
Interested parties may request the credentials of access to the test platform, and any other information regarding the tests and the operation of the PAR by writing to proveGas@mercatoelettrico.org. PAR participants, instead, may access the test platform by using the same credentials as those currently used for the live platform. The data entered during the tests will not be used in any way for operational purposes on the PAR platform.
- PAR Regulation
- Technical Rules
Phone scams
Following some reports received by telephone and email to Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. ("GME"), it seems that these telephone calls are made by a supposed "GME Office" and/or so-called GME operators, regarding proposals to change the electricity and/or gas supplier due to increases in cost of energy, not properly specified, or problems in the current supply, which were followed, in some cases, by emails with similar content.
It should be remembered that GME is completely unrelated to the event mentioned above. We would like to clearly state that we do not provide, in any way, commercial services such as those described above. Furthermore, we do not use communication methods with our clients such as those outlined above.
When in doubt, we always suggest to make sure of the above by contacting your current electricity and/or gas supplier according to the contact methods made available by the same. In any case, we suggest to avoid any possible follow up about proposals such as those highlighted above, in order not to face any unpleasant inconveniences.