ELECTRICITY MARKET - 15-minute MTU in the MGP: start of blank tests

Further to its communication of 14 February 2025, GME is hereby providing the timetable of blank tests, which will involve GME, TERNA and market participants, in view of the go-live of products with a 15-minute Market Time Unit (MTU) in the Day-Ahead Market/Single Day-Ahead Coupling on the trading day of 11 June 2025 (delivery on 12 June). The test sessions will enable participants to test products with a market time interval of 15 and 30 minutes, in addition to the already available products with a market time interval of 60 minutes.

Planning of testing activities - general information

Testing activities will take place in the period from 31 March to 5 June. The digital platforms of GME, involved in the tests, will be: PCE, IPEX, and LTS. The detailed programme of activities will be communicated through an appropriate notice on the above-mentioned platforms. For any queries concerning the test sessions, feel free to contact GME at

How to access the test platforms

For participation in the tests, the digital test platforms of GME will be available from 27 March 2025 at the following addresses: (IPEX portal) (MGP/MI web service) (MSD/MB web service) (PCE portal) (PCE WS) (LTS portal) (LTS web service) (LTS API)

On the above-mentioned platforms, information about users and identification data of market participants will be aligned with that already present on the live platforms of GME as of 23 March 2025.
Users that have not yet been enabled for the test platforms may register with the same platforms from 27 March 2025, by sending an appropriate request to
The data entered during the tests will not be used for operational purposes.
The supporting documents for the tests are available on the home page of the PCE and IPEX test platforms.

15-minute MTU in the MGP – WEBINAR – Updates to digital platforms and presentation of blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform

Following its communication of 14 February 2025, GME announces that, on 26 March at 10:30, it will hold a webinar focused on updates to its digital platforms and on procedures for conducting blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform, in preparation for the introduction of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP.

Registrations for the webinar – to be held via Microsoft Teams - will be accepted until 12:00 on 25 March 2025.

To access the webinar, participants are required to register by filling out the appropriate online form.
Registered participants will receive the technical details for attending the webinar.
The following is the detailed programme of the webinar.

Webinar with market participants

Wednesday 26 March 2025





10:30 – 11:00

Introduction – general aspects about the adoption of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP

S. Alaimo, F. Carboni, GME

11:00 - 12:00

Updates to GME’s digital platforms Blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform

A. Petti, M. Pession, GME

12:00 – 12:30




On 1 January 2025, the format of .xml files posted on GME’s website in the sections “FTP”, “Public Bids/Offers”, and “Results/Download” has been updated.
Information about the new formats is available in the document "New XSD format for 15-min block bids/offers”.
Download the new XSD formats/examples here.

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