Workshop - 26/03/2025 - Incontri con gli Operatori
15-minute MTU in the MGP – WEBINAR – Updates to digital platforms and presentation of blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform
Following its communication of 14 February 2025, GME announces that, on 26 March at 10:30, it will hold a webinar focused on updates to its digital platforms and on procedures for conducting blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform, in preparation for the introduction of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP.
Registrations for the webinar – to be held via Microsoft Teams - will be accepted until 12:00 on 25 March 2025.
To access the webinar, participants are required to register by filling out the appropriate online form.
Registered participants will receive the technical details for attending the webinar.
The following is the detailed programme of the webinar.
Webinar with market participants
Wednesday 26 March 2025
10:30 – 11:00
Introduction – general aspects about the adoption of the 15-minute MTU into the MGP
S. Alaimo, F. Carboni, GME
11:00 - 12:00
Updates to GME’s digital platforms Blank tests with participants in the Electricity Market and in the Forward Account Registration Platform
A. Petti, M. Pession, GME
12:00 – 12:30