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ARERA Resolution 552/2024/R/eel of 17 December 2024: Implementation of the TIDE provisions – approval of amendments to the Rules Governing the Forward Account Trading Platform (PCE) and to the related Technical Rules

GME informs market participants that, with Resolution 552/2024/R/eel of 17 December 2024, ARERA has approved the following amendments:  

i.      to the Rules Governing the Forward Account Trading Platform (PCE Rules), made by Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. (GME) under art. 3, paras. 3.5 and 3.6 of the PCE Rules;

ii.      to the Technical Rules of the PCE, made by GME under art. 4, para. 4.4 of the PCE Rules.

In particular, the above-mentioned amendments to the PCE Rules and to the related Technical Rules, which will enter into force on the day of flow 1 January 2025, are aimed at implementing, the provisions of the new Integrated Text of the Electricity Dispatching Rules (TIDE) - adopted by ARERA with its Resolution 345/2023/R/EEL, as subsequently amended and supplemented – as well the further provisions adopted by ARERA with its Resolution 304/2024/R/EEL, on the introduction of a compensatory component into the Electricity Market following the replacement of national single price (i.e. prezzo unico nazionale).

In this regard, in order to facilitate the implementation of the new provisions (i.e. go-live of TIDE and replacement of the national single price) by PCE participants, GME has published the updated versions of both the PCE Rules and the related Technical Rules, for informational purposes only, in the TIDE section of its website.

However, until the above-mentioned go-live date (i.e. flow date 1 January 2025), transactions on the PCE will continue to be governed by the current provisions published in the appropriate sections of GME’s website.  

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