
Notices and Announcements

Electric Market

Notices and Announcements Electricity Markets


Implementation of TIDE provisions: updating of the Electricity Market Rules and of the PCE Rules

To provide Market Participants with an update about the implementation of the provisions of Testo Integrato del Dispacciamento Elettrico (Integrated Text of Electricity Dispatching Rules - TIDE), adopted by ARERA with its Resolution 345/2023/R/eel, GME is publishing, solely for informational purposes, the revised versions of the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Rules) and of the Rules governing the Forward Account Registration Platform (PCE Rules), pending their approval by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and ARERA, respectively. The two documents have been updated on the basis of the results of the relevant consultation process (Consultation Document no. 01/2024) and of Resolution 304/2024/eel, adopted by ARERA, concerning provisions on the Replacement of the national single price and amendments to the Integrated Text of Electricity Dispatching Rules (TIDE) in view of its entry into operation on 1 January 2025.

GME will make the final versions of the ME and PCE Rules available in a timely manner, at the end of their approval process, so that Market Participants may become aware of the relevant provisions well ahead of their entry into force.

Moreover, GME will organise blank tests in order to enable Market Participants to test the new features introduced into the Electricity Market and the PCE as a result of the implementation of TIDE. The instructions for attending the tests and their timetable will be made known through a subsequent communication.

Finally, to support Market Participants in carrying out the blank tests, GME will publish the Technical Rules (accompanying the ME and PCE Rules), solely for informational purposes, before the start of the tests. However, the Technical Rules will enter into force at the same time as the amendments to the ME and PCE Rules.

  1. ME Rules (Italian version only)
  2. PCE Rules (Italian version only)
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