
Notices and Announcements

Electric Market

Notices and Announcements Electricity Markets


Amendments to Technical Rule no. 05 PPA Bulletin Board - introduction of the “GO” and “ER 2.0” informational fields into the “Contract Registration Section” of the PPA Bulletin Board

GME informs market participants that, as of today, with the publication on GME’s website, the updated version of Technical Rule no. 05 PPA Bulletin Board (Technical Rule no. 05 Rev. 03 PPA Bulletin Board) will enter into force.

The amendments made to Technical Rule no. 05 PPA Bulletin Board are aimed at introducing three additional informational fields into the “Contract Registration Section” of the PPA Bulletin Board. These fields, called “GO”, “ER 2.0”, and “CENSIMP Code”, will enable GME to acquire information about registered contracts to be made available to GSE for the purposes referred to in art. 7, para. 5 b) of Decree no. 256, issued by the Minister of Environment and Energy Security on 10 July 2024, and in art. 8, para. 3 of Decree no. 268, issued by the same Minister on 23 July 2024.

In particular,

  1. the field “GO” allows market participants to specify whether the registered PPA involves the transfer of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) to the buyer, and, if so, to specify the number of GOs to be transferred, for the purposes referred to in art. 7, para. 5 b) of Decree no. 256, issued by the Minister of Environment and Energy Security on 10 July 2024;
  2. the field “ER 2.0” allows market participants to specify whether the registered PPA is connected with the so-called “E.R. 2.0” mechanism, for the purposes referred to in art. 8, para. 3 of Decree no. 268, issued by the Minister of Environment and Energy Security on 23 July 2024;
  3. the field “CENSIMP Code” enables to indicate the identification code, if available, of the power plant to which the contract to be registered refers.

The updated version of Technical Rule no. 05 PPA Bulletin Board (Technical Rule no. 5 Rev. 03 PPA Bulletin Board) fully replaces the previous version published on GME’s website.

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