The Forward Electricity Market (energy market) is the venue where forward electricity contracts with delivery and withdrawal obligation are traded.
All electricity market participants are automatically admitted to the MTE.
Trading on the MTE takes place in continuous mode.
Base-load and peak-load type contracts with monthly, quarterly and yearly delivery periods can be traded on the MTE (Technical Rule No. 01 rev5 MTE). Contracts with quarterly and yearly delivery periods are regulated by the “cascading” mechanism.
Participants take part by submitting proposals in which they specify type and delivery period of the contracts, the number of contracts and the price at which they are willing to purchase/sell.
Once the trading period has ended, contracts with a monthly delivery period are recorded as corresponding transactions onto the PCE, after the adequacy verifications that are referred to in the PCE Rules.
OTC signed contracts can also be registered on the MTE.
Participants can also trade on the MTE by connecting to the Trayport® Global Vision portal.
GME acts as central counterparty.