Given W the week in which the electricity traded on the MGP and MI (MI-A and MI-XBID) has been delivered, the invoicing period of the related payables/receivables will be the calendar month in which these items have been financially settled.
For each invoicing period, within the timings established in the Technical Rules, GME makes available:
- for each Market Participant that is a debtor (other than the PA Participant), one or more proforma invoice communications with the sum of payables/receivables in respect of transactions carried out on the MGP and MI related to:
- sales concluded by GME at a unit price greater than or equal to zero, financially settled in the relevant month;
- services provided by GME in connection with sales made by Market Participants at a negative unit price, financially settled in the relevant month.
- for each Market Participant that is a creditor, one or more proforma invoice communications, containing all the necessary information for Market Participants to prepare the invoices to be issued to GME. In particular, these communications show the sum of payables/receivables in respect of transactions carried out on the MGP and MI related to:
- sales concluded by Market Participants at a unit price greater than or equal to zero, financially settled in the relevant month;
- services provided by Market Participants in connection with purchases made by them at a negative unit price, financially settled in the relevant month.
Within the time limits defined in Technical Rule no. 08 ME, GME:
- issues invoices related to GME's sales at a unit price greater than or equal to zero and the invoices related to services provided for sales by Market Participants at a negative unit price, concluded in the MGP and MI, financially settled in the same month;
- sends to PA Participants the invoices related to sales made at a unit price greater than or equal to zero and the invoices related to services provided in connection with all sales made by Market Participants at a negative unit price, concluded on the MGP and MI;
- receives from each Market Participant the invoices payable related to purchases made at a unit price greater than or equal to zero and the invoices related to services received in connection with all purchases made by Market Participants at a negative unit price, concluded on the MGP and MI, financially settled in the same month.
The exchange of proforma invoice communications and invoice between GME and its Market Participants takes place on the "SetService" IT platform. Under the conditions set forth by the legislation in force from time to time on electronic invoicing and of the related implementing provisions, the invoices are transmitted through the so-called Sistema di Interscambio (SDI).