01 rev3
Solar Time and Daylight Saving Time in the MGP, MI and MSD
02 rev5
Management of Emergency Conditions in the MGP, MI,PN, and MSD
03 rev12
Timing of activities for the sessions of the MGP, MI, MSD, and for the Nomination Platform
04 rev6
Submission of Bids/Offers
05 rev3
Products tradable in the MGP and MI, number of multiple bids/offers in the MGP, MI-A, and MSD, and maximum number of block bids/offers in the MGP and MI-A
08 rev3
Methods for calculating the margins for the purposes of the MGP and MI by GME in the event of non-receipt
09 rev1
Validation of offers/bids on the MGP, MI and MSD
10 rev4
Checks of technical adequacy of bids/offers with respect to margins
11 rev8
Definition of Conventional Prices
13 rev1
Reopening of the MGP sitting
14 rev1
Defining the results of the MGP and MI
15 rev2
Defining the results of the MGP and MI
17 rev1
Daily products tradable in the MPEG and trading period
18 rev2
How to submit offers/bids into the MPEG
19 rev1
Booking of margins for forward accounts on the PCE and registration of net delivery positions
20 rev3
Technical limits of bids/offers in the MGP, MI, and MSD
21 rev1
Procedures for submitting requests for registration of nominations
22 rev1
Verification of validity and adequacy of requests for registration of nominations, determination and communication of nominations
Units and aggregations of units for injection, withdrawal, and provision of ancillary and redispatching services
Creation of zonal portfolios