GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Electricity Market



For the purpose of setting payments of the MGP and MI (MI-A and MI-XBID), if W identifies the week in which the electricity traded has been delivered, then the settlement period of payables/receivables will be the week W+1.

On the first working day of week W + 1, GME determines, for each Market Participant, the net position (net balance to be settled) - calculated as the difference between receivables and payables - on the basis of the amounts, including VAT where chargeable, concerning the purchase and sale transactions concluded in the MGP and MI (MI-A and MI-XBID) in week W - from Monday (T-6) to Sunday (T) - in which the electricity traded has been delivered.

For details related to the determination of the net balance to be settled, please see the contents of Technical Rule no. 08 ME.

For the purpose of settling payments of the MPEG and MTE, if M identifies the month in which the electricity traded, has been delivered, then the settlement period of payables/receivables will be the calendar month M+2.
GME defines, for each Market Participant, the net position (net balance to be settled) - calculated as the difference between receivables and payables - on the basis of the amounts, including VAT where chargeable, concerning the purchase and sale transactions concluded in the MPEG and MTE in the month M. For details related to the determination of the net balance to be settled, please see the contents of Technical Rule no. 08 ME.

Where possible, GME defines, only for making payments and according to the terms and conditions defined in the Technical Rules, the total amount owed by the Market Participant for transactions concluded in the MGP, MI (MI-A and MI-XBID), MPEG, and MTE.

Exclusively for PA Participants, if, as a result of the above determinations, they are net debtors towards GME, GME will satisfy its receivables, once the invoicing process has been completed, by utilising the non-interest-bearing deposit that they have posted as a guarantee, until reaching the amount of such receivables.

The settlement of the amounts owed by the Market Participant or by GME takes place on the basis of a specific Calendar through urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent method with value date, under the procedures and within the time limits defined in Technical Rule no. 08 ME. The following is an example of standard settlement timing:

Net debtor Market Participants failing to pay the amount due within the deadline indicated in the appropriate Calendar, may pay the amount due, increased by default interest and a penalty, no later than 4 p.m. of the third working day following such deadline.

All payments must be made by Market Participants through urgent Sepa Credit Transfer or equivalent procedure - using the bank details previously communicated to GME by sending the appropriate form signed by the person with the necessary powers of representation - to the following bank account of GME:
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN IT58 E056 9603 2110 0000 7210 X36


The variable fees owed for the MWh traded in the Electricity Market must be paid by market participants to GME within the 16th working day of the month in which the related invoice has been made available. This time limit also applies to PA participants.

Moreover, each market participant shall pay the amounts due to GME for:

  1. the access fee, within thirty calendar days of the date of issue of the related invoice;
  2. the yearly fixed fee, within the last working day of the month in which the related invoice has been issued.
  3. the yearly fixed OMPR ME fee and the variable records-based fee, within the last working day of the month in which the related invoice has been issued.

The fees must be paied, by urgent SEPA Credit Transfer (or equivalent method), to the following GME’s bank account:
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN IT58 E056 9603 2110 0000 7210 X36

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